Candice Luhua Chen

Adaptive Reuse: Spiritual Bathing Center

This is an adaptive reuse project of Cable Car Cinema into a spiritual bathing center, aiming for stress release for the surrounding college and office community. The main design concepts are a variation of visibility and repetitive procession.

Original Design of Cable Car Original Plan & Section of Cable Car Cinema
New Plan & Section of Bathing Center

Variation of visibility to juxtapose openness & enclosure

  • I aim to create a sense of secrecy & privacy, but at the same time openness for spiritual relief and relaxation. Thus, I chose to create underground spaces.
  • Play with visibility through the perforation of facade and height differences of floorings

Slow down Time through the repetitive procession.

  • Formally, I utilized the concaving shape of the space to give a strong sense of direction & procession: pools corridor
  • Slow down the process of Descending --> slowly reaching one’s inner spirit and calmness. 
  • Repetitive procession in visual(repeated pools), aural(decreasing noise as descending), and tactile(alternating temperatures of different space) experience.

Circulation & Mapping of Aural Experience Circulation & Mapping of Aural Experience

Desembled Model