Candice Luhua Chen

Adaptive Reuse: Hybrid  Food Service

Academic Project in Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI; Technology & Tools used: Rhino, AutoCAD, Ps, AI
·    Redesigned a former 2-story furniture factory in East Providence, Rhode Island into a hybrid business model combining a for-profit greenhouse restaurant and a non-profit incubator space for start-up chiefs

·    Analyzed site to design a program that aims to support the non-profit businesses of our intended client while hoping to encourage the economic development of the main Warren Street of East Providence

·    Created Site plan & analysis, circulation diagram, function distribution diagram, AutoCAD floor plan and section, digital modeling & perspective rendering, Physical ⅛ scale Model

1/2 Human Scale Furniture Design

Furniture Design of a Spice Display Counter Design for the Hybrid Food Project