Candice Luhua Chen

PAPER : Formal Exploration

Life of Tomato

#Paper sculpture

Voronoi & Delaundry Triangulation

#Bristol paper, tracing paper, cork

For this project, we were given an original floor plan in line form to reinterpret. I first used each corner as a point. Then, I used grasshopper on rhino to generate Delaunay triangulation and Voronoi system using the points. As the two systems are linked to each other mathematically. I combined them to form my reiterated floor plans.
Based on the new floor plan, I designed a rule of designing the height of each intersected point according to the number of lines intersecting at a certain point. E.g. 7 lines are intersecting at the point. Thus, it is elevated 7 inches up. Through this rule, I created this new 3D iteration.

︎ Click to view experimentation with light

Between Solid & Void

#Bristol paper

#Paper Sculpture created through aggregation of multiple identical modules. The main concept is a reciprocal relationship.

My module is created through an accidental discovery of the reciprocal relationship between diamond and ellipse. When cutting out the solid ellipse(red), I realize the void space(blue) is a more interesting shape that forms a diamond shape when folded.

Process of making a single module: reciprocal relation of diamond and ellipse shapeProcess of making a single module: reciprocal relation of diamond and ellipse shape

Joined through cutting & slotting of the arced "legs" (no glue). The highlighted parts show where a second joinery (flipped side) is used to turn a corner Joined through cutting & slotting of the arced "legs" (no glue). The highlighted parts show where a second joinery (flipped side) is used to turn a corner.

This module, due to its symmetry & arced legs, tends to create round, closed structures: ring, sphere, circle. I challenged this tendency and created this organic composition with curves and swirling shapes to give dynamic movement.

Light & Shadow

Complex shadow is created through light. Pointed edges look sharper, giving a gloomy gothic & dangerous sense. Shadow & Solid create a reciprocal relation: void space of the ellipse looks more solid & solid diamonds become the void.

︎Click to view video recording of the installation