Candice Luhua Chen

Easy Tech Senior

#UIUX design using adobe XD
#Cooperated with Helen Zhang

Following the rapid development of the digital age, digital software merges into our daily lives. However, it is hard for the elderly to catch up with the trend. Many have difficulties using social media apps, online banking apps, music apps .etc. With the Pandemic and the governmental issue of digital health code which is required everywhere, online services and apps became necessities in China. We aim to design an educational app specifically for the Chinese elderly to learn about the usage of different apps. The goal is to create an easily accessible, personalized, and comfortable learning experience for the elderly to better merge into the digital age.

3 Main Functions
# Education: 3 Steps Tutorial including pop-up info
# Shortcut to different apps & functions
# Recommendation of trendy & elderly-friendly apps
3 Features for Personalized User Experience
# Initial survey for customized usesr interface
# Voice control
# dialect selection

User Storyboard & Persona

Prototype & Navigation Map

︎Click to view full prototype of Easy Tech Senior
Navigation Map